We know projects are more fruitful if they are approached through small steps. We applied the same rule to start our own vegetable garden. Beans, courgettes and carrots were first. Little by little we expanded it while learning the different needs, rhythms, and realizing how generously plants respond to consistently good care. They are not only our main food source, but a great contribution to get a vital harmony. Its greatness goes further than the delight of the dish -even though the organic vegetables flavor is notably superb.
Here you will discover all those marvels we are talking about. You will learn to make compost, how seeding works, to distinguish the links amongst plants, flowers and insects, how to collect. Understanding the seasonal approach will help you to go for a more ecologic cooking, healthier, slower.
This is an opportunity to start your own home garden once you are back!
1. Escoge el tamaño de la caja que necesites.
2. Durante la visita por el huerto, te iremos explicando cada planta, los cuidados básicos que necesita (por si te animas a empezar tu propio huerto!) y como recolectar cada verdura.
3. Recolecta y llénala de las verduras que más te gusten del huerto.